imartcl_1894wiggins.jpg - 27497 Bytes captain joseph wiggins:   the state of the siberian sea: the nansen expedition
"Geographical Journal", The Royal Geographical Society, 1894.

Artikel uit 1894 van Arthur Montefiore, secretaris van de Jackson-Harmsworth Expeditie Arthur montefiore f.g.s.:   a note on the geography of franz joseph land
"Geographical Journal", The Royal Geographical Society, 1894.

Artikel uit 1894 van Arthur Montefiore, secretaris van de Jackson-Harmsworth Expeditie Arthur montefiore f.g.s.:the jackson-harmsworth north polar expedition   
"Geographical Journal", The Royal Geographical Society, 1895.

Artikel uit 1895 van Arthur Montefiore, secretaris van de Jackson-Harmsworth Expeditie, over de samojeden van de grote toendra Arthur montefiore f.g.s., f.r.g.s.: notes on the Samoyads of the Great Tundra   
"The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland", Vol. XXIV, 1895.

Artikel van F.G. Jackson uit 1897 over zijn expeditie Frederick George Jackson: the jackson-harmsworth expedition
Supplement to "The Graphic", September 11, 1897.
Text not yet available

article from McClure's Magazine Fridtjof Nansen: Future North Polar Exploration
"McClure's Magazine", Vol. X, No. 4, February 1898.

Artikel van F.G. Jackson uit 1898 over zijn expeditie Frederick George Jackson: Days in the Arctic
"Harper's New Monthly Magazine", Vol. XCVII, No. DLXXX, September, 1898.

Article from 1898 by Walter Wellman on Polar exploration Walter Wellman: Arctic Exploration and the Quest of the North Pole
"Review of Reviews Magazine", 1898.

Discussion from 1898 by Nansen, Greely and others on Polar exploration Nansen, Greely, Melville a.o. (Discussion): Why should Arctic exploration be continued?
"Review of Reviews Magazine", 1898.

Article from 1900 by Walter Wellman on Polar exploration Walter Wellman: The Race for the North Pole
"McClure's Magazine", 1900(?)

Article from 1900 by Walter Wellman on Polar exploration Walter Wellman: Sledging toward the Pole
"McClure's Magazine", 1900.

Article from 1900 by Walter Wellman on Polar exploration Walter Wellman: An Arctic Day and Night
"McClure's Magazine", 1900.
Text not yet available